About Us

Kirstin Lynde, INHC

Founder of Red Serenity EMF Consulting

Kirstin has a passion for helping people be and feel their best. Originally a leadership coach, in recent years she has turned her energies toward something she deems even more important: helping others create optimal energy and health, while increasing the odds they will avoid the pain, cost, and heartache of the (many) chronic illnesses whose rates are exploding in North America and elsewhere.

Inspired by her own 10-year chronic illness journey and recovery, Kirstin became a certified wellness coach upon completion of the IIN Health Coach program in 2009. She taught courses in whole food nutrition and worked one-on-one clients for several years, but then realized there were other environmental factors significantly more powerful than food in creating wellness or ill health.

Her real passion now lies in understanding, de-mystifying, and resolving health issues stemming from unhealthy home radiation levels. She launched Red Serenity EMF Consulting with the goal of helping her clients measure and mitigate what can (bluntly) be called domestic radiation. As of 2020, with 5G just around the bend, people are rapidly tuning into the dangers of “junk EMF” just as they tuned into the dangers of processed foods starting 10-20 years back… or cigarettes before that.

Kirstin is a Consultant for the Geovital Academy in Austria, one of the world’s leading/pioneering authorities in measuring and mitigating domestic radiation from both natural and manmade EMFs. Geovital has over 35 years’ experience remediating the effects of electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress, and has measured and mitigated over 300,000 homes and then monitored patient improvements post-mitigation.

Kirstin isn’t just about technical measurement – she wants to actually help you solve and prevent health problems. An academic understanding of how high the radiation levels in your bedroom are (or a 70-page consultant report with boatloads of hard-to-fathom data!) – won’t actually help with your health.

Kirstin regularly speaks to groups about steps families can take (many of them free or low cost) to protect themselves and their children from electromagnetic pollution. This pollution has been called the “tobacco” of the 21st century. Given how much we love our smartphones – it isn’t going anywhere fast.